2 июл. 2014 г.

Using PMT to create a profile in WebSphere 7

В принципе создание профайла что в WAS 7.0 что WAS 8.5 похожи. единственное - это нужно найти где находится этот профайл менеджер.

В WAS 8.5 все просто - Start => Programs => IBM WebSphere => IBM WebSphere Application Server 8.5 => Tools => Profile Management Tool

Windows: ${WAS Installation}\AppServer\bin\ProfileManagement\pmt.bat
Linux: /var/apps/was7/bin/ProfileManagement/pmt.sh

click "Launch Profile Management Tool"
click "Create"

An application server environment runs your enterprise applications. WebSphere Application Server (WAS) is managed from it's own administrative console and functions independently from all other application servers.

click "Next"

Click "Advanced profile creation"

Select "Deploy the Sample applications" if you want the samples installed.

Fill in the Node, server and hostname

Click "Next" on page 2 of SSL and leave defaulted.

Adjust the ports if you need. Otherwise leave defaulted. Click "Next"

Choose whether you want to install WAS as a service.

You can create a web server definition of you wish

Click create on summary page to complete.

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